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为什么健身房划船机可以取代单车|Why Rowing Is The New Spinning

发表于 2016-10-4 18:30:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why rowing is the new spinning


The latest trend spreading across the US in the past few years is for rowing classes to be taking the place of spinning classes.  The reason why?  Rowing is just a better all-round form of exercise.


Why compare these two activities in the first place?  Both are forms of cardiovascular exercise which simulate outdoor activities, i.e. rowing and cycling, using machines which can be put indoors i.e. ergometers and stationary bikes.  Both are non-impact and therefore avoid some of the problems associated with running. And both can be done either individually or, as tends to be more popular these days, in a class format with a thumping beat in the background and an instructor barking out encouragement/instructions.

以上这些就是他们的相似之处了。运动科学家之所以推崇划船为一项更好的运动,就是因为它是一个全身锻炼,能消耗更多的能量,让你的心肺的工作量加大。不像是蹬车那样几乎只锻炼下半身,划船将上半身和下半身结合在一起来运动。就像运动生理学家Garrett Roberts说的,“每一次推拉实际上都是一次蹬腿,一次硬拉和一次划船动作。”并且因为你在锻炼你全身的肌肉群,你的心率也会比之前高。

There the similarities end.  The reason why exercise scientists are touting rowing as the superior mode of exercise is because it is a full body workout which therefore burns more energy and gets your heart and lungs working harder.  Unlike cycling which is pretty much a lower body exercise, rowing involves using the upper and lower body together.  As Garrett Roberts, an exercise physiologist, puts it "each rep is essentially a leg press, a dead lift, and a row. And because you're working every muscle group in your body, your heart rate is elevated.”

这就是为什么当Prime 创始人Victor的一个朋友最近问起他在家里应该买个什么样的室内脚踏车的时候,Victor第一反应就是:“忘了蹬车,去买个划船机吧”。

That’s why when co-founders Victor's buddy recently asked him for advice on what type of stationary bike they should get for a home gym, his immediate response was – forget the bike, just get a rowing machine instead.


Besides the science, the trend has been helped in no small amount by the fact that several Hollywood stars – Jason Statham and Zac Efron included, have explicitly mentioned rowing as a core part of their workout routines.  Looking for a way to up the ante on your workouts this year? Try rowing.


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